Name | Description | Last update | ||
enterleave | Notifies the player when other players or NPC enter or leave the sector | 04.05.2012 | Details | Download |
paydialog | A graphical version of the /givemoney command | 30.05.2010 | Details | Download |
newsticker | Puts a news ticker into the Welcome tab of the station menu | 17.09.2007 | Details | Download |
apcontrol | Remote control for various media players | 30.05.2010 | Details | Download |
ignoreextras | A bunch of extra ignore functions | 27.02.2013 | Details | Download |
racecartool | A plugin for looking up lua definitions on the ducumentation wiki | 05.08.2008 | Details | Download |
animatedload | An alternative loading screan with animation. | 10.10.2011 | Details | Download |
tapehud | Ultra realistic cockpit simulation | 03.02.2008 | Details | Download |
movesectorinfo | Move the sector info to the bottom of the HUD | 30.05.2010 | Details | Download |
telnetterm | A telnet client and terminal emulator | 10.07.2008 | Details | Download |
navmapui | Select and manage navroutes from the Navigation menu | 01.05.2008 | Details | Download |
proxyhack | fix for closing the nearby ship list with hotkey after tabbing into proxy distance field | Details | Download | |
mouselookincaps | Automatically turns on mouselook when entering a capship | Details | Download | |
treemissionlist | A fancy version of the mission board | 23.10.2014 | Details | Download |
luagzip | A pure lua gzip decompressor | Details | Download | |
skirmishcolors | Increases brightness of the skirmish info (loss counters) in the HUD for Corvus and the Hive | 30.05.2010 | Details | Download |
locknearbylist | Adds a toggle to the nearby ships list that temporary stops it from updating | Details | Download | |
shortgivemoney | A version of the givemoney command where the amount can be abbreviated | Details | Download | |
umlautbind | Bind commands to umlaut keys on german keyboards | Details | Download | |
deboop | Replaces the hit beep with a the machine gun sound from OpenArena | Details | Download | |
missiontimestamp | Adds a timestamp to the mission log of completed missions | Details | Download | |
clabel | A replacement for the label widget that can use custom fonts. Makes HUD notifications use Comic Sans | 17.07.2010 | Details | Download |
radarscale | Scale radar and crosshair seperately from the rest of the HUD | Details | Download | |
oldhud | Replaces the HUD with one that mimics the pre 1.6 one | 01.10.2014 | Details | Download |
dullbot | A bunch of bots: Dullbot, boilbot, dockbot, haulbot and rcbot | 04.05.2012 | Details | Download |
alphsortaddons | Changes the sorting order of addons to sort alphabetically only | 26.08.2010 | Details | Download |
toplistafterjump | Briefly pops up the nearby ship list when jumping into a sector | 2011 | Details | Download |
manu | A plugin for keeping track of the inventory for manufactoring missions | 19.11.2014 | Details | Download |
stackorator | Helper for stacking multiple sets of rockets/missles or for stacking weapons with very different speeds | 01.10.2014 | Details | Download |
visualproxyalert2 | Shows a message on the HUD whenever a proxy alert is triggered | Details | Download | |
dedebug | Suppresses debug messages when taking missions on the test server | Details | Download | |
autostack | Automatically stack avalons | 01.10.2014 | Details | Download |
rumbler | Force Feedback for Vendetta | 01.10.2014 | Details | Download |
groupies | Automatically accept group invites | 01.10.2014 | Details | Download |
tspammer | Networked turret bot | 23.01.2015 | Details | Download |
Notifies the player when other players or NPC enter or leave the sector. Note: due to changes in the game the notifications may not be totally reliable anymore.
/enterleave_notify_mode 0-2
Events that trigger notifications
/enterleave_sound 0-3
Play a sound effect when an notification happens
/enterleave_pattern pattern1 pattern2..
Print notifications when the character name matches a pattern. This takes precedence over /enterleave_notify_mode
Pattern syntax:
/enterleave_pattern "^*Strike Force" "^*Aerna Seeker" "^*Leviathan" "^*Hive Queen" "^*Milanar Leviathan" "^*Milanar .*Queen" "^*Prosus Leviathan" "^*Prosus .*Queen" "^*Siepos Leviathan" "^*Siepos .*Queen"
A graphical version of the /givemoney command. Handles multiple payments at once.
Open the dialog
Puts a news ticker into the Welcome tab of the station menu. The ticker cycles through news headlines.
delay between updates
number of items to cycle through
Remote control for various media players. See README.txt in the package for further information.
Supported: XMMS, VLC and MPD
Note: this hasn't been tested in a while. MPD is most likely one to still work.
show the apcontrol window
start playback
stop playback
next track
previous track
/aptrack 1-n
play specific track in the playlist
print playlist
print current title
spam the current title to the active channel
A bunch of extra ignore functions
/ignorefaction faction
ignore a whole faction
/unignorefaction faction
unignore a faction
/ignorefaction_whitelist player
exempt a player from faction ignore
/ignorefaction_unwhitelist player
remove a player from whitelist
A plugin for looking up lua definitions on the documentation wiki racecar
Note: most likely pretty broken
/rctfind pattern depth
Find definitions that match a pattern in the wiki
Depth is optional and determines the search depth. See readme.txt for details
/rctfindfull pattern depth
Same as /rctfind but does a full text search
/rctprint name depth
Print only exact matches.
/rctformat section1 section2..
Set the output format. Invoke without parameters for options
/rctformat description definition returns
An alternative loading screan with animation
[top] [download]Ultra realistic cockpit simulation.
[top] [download]Move the sector info to the bottom of the HUD
[top] [download]A telnet client and terminal emulator. Supports a subset of the VT100 and some extensions.
Open telnetterm
Select and manage navroutes from the Navigation menu
Import existing navroutes
When accidently tabbing into the proxy distance field on the nearby ships list it's normally not possible to close the PDA with toggle key. This makes it work.
[top] [download]Automatically turns on mouselook when entering a capship. Controlling turrets with joystick is terrible.
[top] [download]A fancy version of the mission board. Splits the mission board into collapsable sections. Highlights local missions and has an option to hide remote missions completely
/treemissionlist_mode 0-2
Set default state of the mission board
0: expand all sections 1: collapse all sections 2: collapse all but Misc
/treemissionlist_grouping 0-2
Set how missions are grouped
A pure lua gzip decompressor. See README for details.
/http_gzip url
Sample command that downloads a gzip file via http and extracts it
Increases brightness of the skirmish info (loss counters) in the HUD for Corvus and the Hive. Improves readablility.
[top] [download]Adds a toggle to the nearby ships list that temporary stops it from updating to make counting bots/players easier. Note: clicking on the list may not work properly when it is locked
[top] [download]A version of the givemoney command where the amount can be abbreviated.
/sgm name amount
Send a player the given amount of credits. The commands supports the m, k, b and c suffixes
/sgm mr_spuck 1m - sends me 1000000 credits
/sgm mr_spuck 200k - would be 200000 credits
/sgm mr_spuck 40b - 40 billion credits
/sgm mr_spuck 1c - one credit
it's additive
/sgm mr_spuck 10k500 - is 10500
/sgm mr_spuck 10m10m10m - is 30000000
the numeric values can be left out
/sgm mr_spuck m - is 1000000
/sgm mr_spuck ccccc - is a really strange way to send me 5 credits
[top] [download]
Bind commands to umlaut keys on german keyboards,
Open umlautbind
Replaces the hit beep with a the machine gun sound from OpenArena
[top] [download]Adds a timestamp to the mission log of completed missions
[top] [download]A replacement for the label widget that can use custom fonts. Makes HUD notifications use Comic Sans.
Scale radar and crosshair seperately from the rest of the HUD. This can somehat help with unusal aspect ratios.
/radarscale factor
Set the scaling factor. The value is relative to the rest of the HUD
Replaces the HUD with one that mimics the pre 1.6 one.
/oldhud_flip 1|0
Flip the ship info box horizontally. Set this to 1 to make it look correct with targetless
A set of bots that work based on a similar principle. They use a seperate program (robotserver) to look up a target on the radar and turn towards it. The bots then fly towards that target and perform some action.
All bots are just proof of concept toys. Dullbot is probably the most reliable of the bunch.
A travel bot that follows the current navroute (even through storms and wormholes). This bot can work without the robotserver. In that case it will attempt to use a fallback mode where it just blindly flies through sectors. It can't get through wormholes or storms that way though
A mining bot that mines every rock in radar range for the specified time.
A bot that docks at a station in the current sector. Note: docking is very unreliable and slow.
A bot that moves cargo between two stations. Uses dockbot for docking.. see above.
A version of dullbot that can be remote controlled
There are two versions of the robotserver.
Written in java so should work on all desktop platforms
Start via or jrobotserver.bat
If the bots can't find a target with those (it just keeps turning left) try the jrobotserver-ht versions.
On linux the game window must have keyboard focus and the ship must be controlllable (PDA and console must be closed) when the bot is active. Not required on Windows.
It's a preloaded library that uses linker trickery and GL calls to take screenshots.
Much faster than jrobotserver but only works under linux.
The game doesn't need keyboard focus but the ship must be controllable (PDA and console must be closed).
The game must be started with one of the scripts in the glrobotserver directory
/dullbot option1 option2..
Launch dullbot. If nothing goes wrong the bot should fly along the current navroute
Valid options:
Makes the bot attempt to continously target the object infront of it. Drastically reduces time wasted in asteroid fields because the bot can better estimate if it's going to run into something
Enables crude collision avoidance. Probably broken. It never helped anyway
Use higher tolerances when flying towards exit points. Can speed up intra system jumps but there's a risk that it will waste time in loose ateroid fields.
Use timings for light ships
Use timings for medium ships
Use timings for heavy ships
Use timings for really heavy ships
Use timings for capital ships
Disable input in the game. Only use on Windows!
Enable radar blibs. By default the bot disables unneeded radar blibs that could throw it off.
Make the radar blibs bigger. This can make the bot more reliable but reduces accuracy
/boilbot option1 option2..
Launch boilbot. It should fly from rock to rock and start mining.
This bot accepts the same options as dullbot and:
How long to mine each rock
The mining beams are on the secondary trigger
The mining beams are on the tertiary trigger
Launch dockbot. If a docking bay has been registered for this sector (with /dockbot_add_dock) and the station is within radar range it will attempt to dock. Optimally the docking bay should be within line of sight.
Register a docking bay for this sector. The command should be run while sitting inside the target bay. If a rock is targetted dockbot will fly to that before attempting to dock to get a better starting position
/haulbot returncargo
Launch haulbot. The command must be issued from within a station. The ship should have some cargo on board and a navroute to another station must be set. The destination and starting station must have a docking bay registered (see /dockbot_add_dock). The bot will launch, fly along the navroute to the destination station, dock, sell the cargo, load the specified return cargo, fly back along the same route to the starting station and rebuy the original cargo. Then it will repeat the cycle (unless something goes wrong .. which is very likely).
/rcbot secret=apassword option1 option2..
Launch rcbot. The bot accepts the same options as dullbot. To prevent hijacking a password can be set with the secret option. The bot accepts a few commands via pm's. All commands must be prepended with the password to work:
Available commands:
goto sectorid1 sectorid2..
tell the bot to follow the route defined by the sectorid's
stop the bot if it's currently active
dump the cargo
make the bot exit the game
return the current location and whether the bot is active
/rcbot_remote command
Helper that makes controlling rcbot easier. Target name and password need to be only specified once. The remote understands all the normal rcbot commands and: init name password: set the current target name and password
send the current navroute to the bot and make it fly along it
dullbot settings that usually work well
/dullbot medium target big_exit
rcbot example:
/rcbot secret=secretpassword
/msg mr_spuck secretpassword goto 200 201
/msg mr_spuck secretpassword abort
or with rcbot_remote
/rcbot_remote init mr_spuck secretpassword
..plot route..
/rcbot_remote go
/rcbot_remote abort
[top] [download]
Changes the sorting order of addons to sort alphabetically only
[top] [download]Briefly pops up the nearby ship list when jumping into a sector
[top] [download]A plugin for keeping track of the inventory for manufactoring missions. It shows a listing of what is stored at manufactoring places, what can currently be built with the stored inventory and what still needs to be delivered to a station. It's also possible set station relations so that the inventory of stations near the manufactoring place are properly accounted for.
Open manu. If started with /manu blank it will be started with an empty inventory
In this screenshot manu is set up for building 36 "Merged Cybernetics Arrays". There are 64 of them in the global inventory so the target is set to 100. Currently none can be built due to lack of cybernetics and nodules
[top] [download]Helper for stacking multiple sets of rockets/missles or for stacking weapons with very different speeds (aka avalons with everything else). Can be useful for nuking capital ships or fancy fireworks.
/stackorate secondaryspeed primaryspeed
Arm/disarm stackorator. After firing the next shot it will start printing timing information to the chat window. Fire the secondary loadout when the secondary at value turns green. The secondaryspeed is the velocity of the secondary loadout. The default is 35 (Avalons fired from standstill). The primaryspeed is the velocity of the primary loadout and is usually autodetected. for rockets it assumes that they are fired from standstill. Set it explicitly if they aren't.
A demonstration video:
TRS made a pretty video for the RED channel where this plugin was used to nuke a leviathan:
Shows a message on the HUD whenever a proxy alert is triggered.
[top] [download]Suppresses debug messages when taking missions on the test server. Those messages can get very distracting.
Toggle messages on and off
Automatically stack avalons. The plugin assumes that the avs are in the primary slot, that the target is not moving much and that the ship is going to fly directly towards the target.
It's possible to slave other characters running this plugin to yours for syncronized attack runs. Commands are sent to the slaves via group chat.
/autostack start launchspeed maxspeed
Start the firing sequence. launchspeed is the speed at which weapons will be fired and maxspeed the speed to which to accelerate between shots. The default value for launchspeed is 0 for maxspeed it tries to guess a good value (it's not very good at it)
/autostack stop
Stop the firing sequence
/autostack master
Put this client into master mode. When the next shot is fired or autostack start command is issued a start command will be send to the slaves via group chat. After starting the firing sequence master mode is turned off.
/autostack slot
Put this client into slave mode. Wait for a start command on group chat. After starting the firing sequence slave mode is turned off.
/autostack off
Turn off slave or master mode
Print status message
/autostack slave
/autostack master
/autostack start 10 95
Nuking a levi with autostack:
[top] [download]Force feedback for Vendetta. The effects are played back by a program called the rumbleserver, which must be launched seperately from the game. Currently rumbleservers are available for Linux (rumbleserver-lin) and Windows (rumbleserver.exe)
/rumbler_enable on|off
Automatically connect to rumbleserver when the game is launched
connect to rumbleserver
disconnect from rumbleserver
/rumbler_hit on|off
Play an effect when the ship was hit
/rumbler_engine on|off
Play an effect while the ship is moving at high turbo speed
Automatically accept group invites from characters in the groupies list. Groupies will cancel active missions and/or leave the current group if needed. Only trusted characters should be added to the list.
/groupies add
Add a character to the list
/groupies del
Remove a character from the list
/groupies list
Print the list
A networked turret bot with limited self aiming. Multiple bots can run on the same computer or in the network. Each bot starts a server over which it accepts commands.
Under Linux the bots can optionally take advantage of a seperate program (glspamserver) to do limited self aiming. Glspamserver works similar to dullbots glrobotserver. It's a preloaded library that takes screengrabs and locates the target on them, then sends fake input events to move the turret. To use glspamserver start the game with tspammer/glspamserver/ [index]. The index must match the one that is passed to the tserver command, if tspammer is autostarted it is optional.
Known issues
/tserver index
Start tserver and listen for commands. Index is the server index, a number from 0 to 19. If multiple bots run on the same machine each one must have a unique index. Omiting the index stops the server
/tspammer bot turret1 option1 turret2 option2..
Send a command to a bot. The first parameter is the address of the bot followed by a list of turrets and options. Without any options the bot will start shooting at the current target using the specified list of turrets, changing turrets whenever either a timeout is reached or the turret is empty. If a command is sent while the bot is active it will just change target. If no turrets are specified the bot stops shooting
Specifies the target bot as either an index or a host:index pair. With just an index the command assumes that the bot is running on the same machine.
A turret index. The order is the same as in the turrets list of the ship
Number of seconds to sit in each turret before switching. if the turret is empty before the timeout is reached the bot will switch earlier. 0 disables the timeout (don't do this in burst mode unless you can turn it off remotely!). default 15
Fire and switch turrets as quickly as possible. this changes the meaning of the timeout option, it now specifies the total length of the burst. works better if bot is the ships pilot
Target a random non grouped ship within 1500m. if no ship is in that range it will target the nearest ship ouside 1500m.
This option accepts a comma seperated list of suboptions.
attack everyone except the current target
xang xi
Limit targets to the these factions.
Makes the ship move forwards. The bot must control ship.
Stops the ship
/tspammer_autostart on|off
Automatically start tspammer
/tspammer_autostart_index index
Which index to use when autostaring
..start two clients one with a missile trident.. ..park trident in orun collector sector and group up with other client..
client piloting trident:
/tserver 0
other client:
/tspammer 0 burst timeout=0 nearest 1 2 3 4 oruns explode..
/tspammer 0
..start two clients one on pc and another on phone.. ..get phone client into the ship and target a rock..
phone client:
/tserver 0
/tspammer 3 4 around rock and watch it not explode..
[top] [download]